Our financial Statements disclose in detail our income and financial situation. You find the complete Financial Statements following the link below.
Our Auditor has fully confirmed application of Swiss GAAP FER 21. You find the complete Financial Statements following the link below.
Because of the current situation about COVID-19 in Switzerland and the recommendations of the Federal Council and the cantons, all events have been canceled. Required sessions are held as video conferences. Thank you for your understanding.
In 30 pictures we explain how a forest is created from a seed. Enjoy the pictures of a step-by-step presentation of seeds, tree nursery, preparation, planting, protection and finally forests as the basis for the cycle of more… Read more
9,4 millions of trees have been planted by hundrets of women and men in ethiopia duringg 2019. More details can be found in this anunual report.
Our financial Statements disclose in detail our income and financial situation. You find the complete Financial Statements following the link below.
Our Auditor has fully confirmed application of Swiss GAAP FER 21. You find the complete Financial Statements following the link below.
Annual Report 2020
2020 – a challenging year 2020 is our 20th anniversary, and we have reached our goal of planting 10 million trees. In the annual report you find more information about the work and result of the foundation during… Read more