Stiftung Green Ethiopia | Postfach | CH-8405 Winterthur +41 (0)52 233 1531


Reforestation projects are at the centre of our work. And thanks to the developing natural resources, we are able to realize further follow-up projects together with our partners, projects that will sustainably improve the lives of farmers and their families.

I have witnessed the outstanding contribution of Green Ethiopia Foundation to improve the lives of farmers, to counter the harmful effects of climate change and meet the basic needs of our community.Challa Amdissa

96% of our financial resources goes directly to the projects in Ethiopia, and more than 80% of this funding is used for the reforestation projects. Below are the number of forest and fruit trees in each of our project areas.

In 2023, a total of 10,4 million trees were reforested, 9,5 million forest trees and 827 349 fruit and coffee trees.

Region Number of forest trees Number of fruit trees
Adwa Woreda
Gulemakeda Woreda
Laileymaichow Woreda
Axum Churches
Tigray region
Adaa Woreda 584 530 8 690
Akaki Woreda 475 345 25 111
Dodota Woreda 419 052 26 737
Gimbichu Woreda 251 015 9 127
Hetosa Woreda 379 398 39 890
Liban-Zuqala Woreda 815 450 185 000
Tiyo Woreda 192 418 2 112
Weliso Woreda 682 547 174 760
Ziway Dugda Woreda 548 972 59 186
Tulu Korma, Ambo University Center 50 600
Oromia region 4 399 327 530 613
Libokemkem Woreda 3 412 072 16 199
Amhara region 3 412 072 16 199
Dara Woreda 1 729 547 280 627
Sidamo region 1 729 547 280 627

Further results in 2023 are 60 beehives, 1000 kg wheat seed, 2000 chicken, thousands of false banana suckers (see subsistence farmer projects), 160 donkeys for women (see donkey projects), 30 rope washer pumps, 3 water pumps, 6 spring developments, and 1 dam (see water projects). For further information with a simplified financial statement, see our annual reports.

We combine different projects to change people’s life

Reforestation & climate

Reforestation & climate

Native mixed forests provide a sustainable and precious contribution to people, to the environment and to climate improvement. Therefore, our reforestation projects are the first step towards the improvement of the living situation of farmers and their families in rural Ethiopia.
Water & nutrition

Water & nutrition

Forests store and filter water, regulate the hydrologic balance, the ground-water level and the amount of water in streams and rivers increases. Groups of farmers, women and youth in the reforestation areas are using this water to grow vegetables and fruit trees, which directly contributes to the improvement of their nutrition.
Subsistence farmers

Subsistence farmers

Farmers who are working voluntarily in our reforestation projects are supported by us in return with equipment, vegetable seeds and fruit trees seedlings – which improve their food and life situation.
Donkey projects

Donkey projects

Carrying heavy loads over sometimes long distances can be very trying for women and especially for girls. This work harms their health and prevents girls from attending school, sometimes partly, sometimes totally.
School projects

School projects

Through the school projects, young people learn about the benefits of trees, forests and fruits for humans, for animals and for the climate. They are educated in theory as well as with practical experience. This includes, besides lessons in the classroom, practical work in the orchards owned by the school.

The diversity of land and people is reflected in the project areas



Our projects in the Amhara region are located in the watershed of the Lake Tana (source of the Blue Nil), and this water is of significant importance not only for Ethiopia, but also for Sudan and Egypt.


In the large Oromia region, our projects are located far from each other. Thus, the topographical and climatic conditions of each projects are very different.


The Sidamo region is located in the south of Ethiopia and has a subtropical climate. Sidamo is famous for its coffee (Coffe arabica), which does not grow in plantations but in domestic gardens and forests.


The project areas in Tigray, in northern Ethiopia, are close to the border with Eritrea. This is a barren mountainous area, sometimes very steep with a severe erosion. With only 500 mm of rain per year, these areas are very dry.