Native mixed forests provide a sustainable and precious contribution to people, to the environment and to climate improvement. Therefore, our reforestation projects are the first step towards the improvement of the living situation of farmers and their families in rural Ethiopia.
We get various benefits from the reforestation projects, such as fodder for our animals, less erosion, soil fertility and higher productivity of the cultivated lands.Abarra Hayilee
Intensive preparation of the planting area with terracing
A women’s group is planting their Cordea seedlings together
A guardian proud of his acacia tree that thrives thanks to his protection
The project managers show the growth of native trees
Below the forest, cereal harvests are increasing
Ethiopia – a country that suffers from recurrent droughts and famines – has reduced its forest cover from 40% earlier to 3% currently (according to FAQ in 2010) in the past 100 years. This is due to deforestation, as it provides access to cultivated land and thus leads to rapid population growth, but also to the over-exploitation of forests for timber and firewood. The state is trying to motivate the population to reforest with campaigns. However, with an average income of below 2 $ per day, the population has other priorities than reforestation. The big challenge is to improve the climate, the soil quality and the entire water balance through reforestation. Forests also absorb CO2, a harmful substance for our lives. And this is where we come in with our foundation.
The reforestation starts with the production of strong native seedlings in the tree nurseries. More than 2500 women are working in tree nurseries everyday, producing over 10 million future trees with great care and love.
Planting trees is an important step in the reforestation process. It is with joy and enthusiasm that tens of thousands of people are planting seedlings for us. The more carefully they are planted, the greater is their chance of survival.
Reforestation areas are protected areas, and they are protected by the village communities against animal predation and deforestation. The forests can therefore grow magnificently and develop their benefits.
The following pictures show the results of the reforestation with photos from before and after. Two photos always depict the same place with a difference of 3 to 5 years.
As the ‘after’ photos in the picture gallery above show it, the forests have multiple benefits for people, the environment and the climate. Concretely, these benefits are water, protection against erosion, soil improvement, biodiversity and climate improvement through the CO2 absorption and sequestration. These benefits in turn enable further advantages for farmers such as irrigation, higher grain yields, fruit tree plantations or a second crop rotation. Climate improvement is also noticeable and measurable locally after a few years. Many master thesis in our project areas have therefore researched how CO2 and nutrient levels have changed in the forest environment. Thus, we can offer CO2 to interested individuals and organizations (CHF 40.- per tonne).
The following video shows extracts from the various works that are necessary for a successful reforestation and the protection of native mixed forests:
Extract from the various works for a successful reforestation
Native trees are mainly used for the reforestation. In some cases, foreign trees adapted as pioneer species are also planted. In addition to forest trees, fruit trees and ornamental trees are also planted within the framework of the projects:
Native Ethiopian trees
Acacia abyssinica
Acacia albida
Acacia decurrence
Acacia dicoronous
Acacia etbaica
Acacia lehai
Acacia senegal
Acacia seyal
Albizia gumufera
Cordia africana
Debacho olinia
Dodonaea angustifolia
Ficus sur
Hagenia abyssinica
Juniperus procera
Mellitia feruginea
Sysygium guineense (Dokima)
Podocarpus Falcatus
Prunus africanus
Rhamnus prinoides (shrub)
Sesbania Sesban
Adapted foreign trees
Acacia saligna (Australia)
Casuarina equisisetifolia (Australia)
Eucalyptus (Australia)
Grevillea robusta / silky oak (Australia)
Melia azkledarach (Asia)
Moringa oleifera (India)
Schinus mole / Peppertree (Peru)
Fruit trees
Sweet and sour orange
Coffee arabica
Ornamental trees
Delonix regia / Flamboyant
Jacaranda mimosifiolia
Olea Africana / Olivetree (Church – tree)
Spathodea campuanulata (African tulip tree)
The reforestation projects are the first step to directly help people and the environment, and thus concretely improve the lives of farmers, women and youth groups and that of their families:
Reforestation & climate
Native mixed forests provide a sustainable and precious contribution to people, to the environment and to climate improvement. Therefore, our reforestation projects are the first step towards the improvement of the living situation of farmers and their families in rural Ethiopia.
Ethiopia – a country that suffers from recurrent droughts and famines – has reduced its forest cover from 40% earlier to 3% currently (according to FAQ in 2010) in the past 100 years. This is due to deforestation, as it provides access to cultivated land and thus leads to rapid population growth, but also to the over-exploitation of forests for timber and firewood. The state is trying to motivate the population to reforest with campaigns. However, with an average income of below 2 $ per day, the population has other priorities than reforestation. The big challenge is to improve the climate, the soil quality and the entire water balance through reforestation. Forests also absorb CO2, a harmful substance for our lives. And this is where we come in with our foundation.
Production of seedlings
Tree planting
Protect the forests
The following pictures show the results of the reforestation with photos from before and after. Two photos always depict the same place with a difference of 3 to 5 years.
As the ‘after’ photos in the picture gallery above show it, the forests have multiple benefits for people, the environment and the climate. Concretely, these benefits are water, protection against erosion, soil improvement, biodiversity and climate improvement through the CO2 absorption and sequestration. These benefits in turn enable further advantages for farmers such as irrigation, higher grain yields, fruit tree plantations or a second crop rotation. Climate improvement is also noticeable and measurable locally after a few years. Many master thesis in our project areas have therefore researched how CO2 and nutrient levels have changed in the forest environment. Thus, we can offer CO2 to interested individuals and organizations (CHF 40.- per tonne).
The following video shows extracts from the various works that are necessary for a successful reforestation and the protection of native mixed forests:
Native trees are mainly used for the reforestation. In some cases, foreign trees adapted as pioneer species are also planted. In addition to forest trees, fruit trees and ornamental trees are also planted within the framework of the projects:
Fruit trees
Ornamental trees
The reforestation projects are the first step to directly help people and the environment, and thus concretely improve the lives of farmers, women and youth groups and that of their families:
Trees – Forests – Water – Food – Life