Our projects in the Amhara region are located in the watershed of the Lake Tana (source of the Blue Nil), and this water is of significant importance not only for Ethiopia, but also for Sudan and Egypt.
The reforestation also means that the Shine-River now has water all year round, therefore giving the people living around the river clean and fresh water.Mihret Addisu
A simple life in the remote highlands
A barren life for animals too
Farmers preparing for the reforestation
Wide plains in the Lake Tana watershed
Grain harvest in the highlands
The reforested mountains and hills are on the southern foothills of the Simien Mountain (the highest and largest mountain area in Ethiopia). Because of this special location, the amount of rainfall is around 1 400 mm per year, which is higher than in any other of our project areas. There are very good conditions for our reforestation projects.
We have been reforesting since 2012. It is mainly the groups of farmers and youths who run the tree nurseries, reforest and protect the forest under the direction and the supervision of the “Organization for Rehabilitation and Development for Amhara Region”. As the water availability and the soil quality are improving constantly, the farmers have strongly increased the cultivation of vegetables and fruit trees, thus improving the food situation.
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Our projects in the Amhara region are located in the watershed of the Lake Tana (source of the Blue Nil), and this water is of significant importance not only for Ethiopia, but also for Sudan and Egypt.
The reforested mountains and hills are on the southern foothills of the Simien Mountain (the highest and largest mountain area in Ethiopia). Because of this special location, the amount of rainfall is around 1 400 mm per year, which is higher than in any other of our project areas. There are very good conditions for our reforestation projects.
We have been reforesting since 2012. It is mainly the groups of farmers and youths who run the tree nurseries, reforest and protect the forest under the direction and the supervision of the “Organization for Rehabilitation and Development for Amhara Region”. As the water availability and the soil quality are improving constantly, the farmers have strongly increased the cultivation of vegetables and fruit trees, thus improving the food situation.