The reforestation starts with the production of strong native seedlings in the tree nurseries. More than 2500 women are working in tree nurseries everyday, producing over 10 million future trees with great care and love.
Through my work in the tree nursery, I receive a regular income and I can buy school books for my children.Tahar Kasso
Every seedling needs a lot of care and attention
Also during watering, the plants need to be carefully treated
A coveted job for the women in tree nurseries
Roori’s group of women training on seedling’s care
Daily watering on the tree seedlings
The importance of tree nurseries
Afforestation begins with the seedling production in tree nurseries, which are typically run by women’s organizations, sometimes by youth organizations, or by the local agriculture office. The production of the native tree seedlings takes between 8 and 14 months, depending on the tree species (the seedlings for fruit trees and coffee plants stay in the tree nursery for 1,5 to 2 years). In this way, the preparatory work such as setting up seedbeds, mixing humus and making shade covers begins each year in autumn. From December onward, the seeds are sown in “Pots”, i.e plastic plant pots where they grow into young plants over the following months. During the growth period, these seedlings are watered, weeded and shaded. At the beginning of the rainy season in June, the plants are ready to be planted on the mountain slopes and on the hills.
Seedling production must take place during the dry season, thus an ensured water supply – for example a year-round river – is an essential requirement. At the same time, the seedlings have to be grown around the later reforestation, that is, in the same local climate and soil. Therefore we try to ensure that one tree nursery can serve several reforestation areas, over several years.
Most of the work in the tree nurseries is done by the women, who thus receive a valuable income. At the same time, when there are no seedlings to cultivate in the tree nurseries during the rainy season, these women and the women groups also engage in other works such as weaving or cultivating vegetables.
Our contribution
In principle, we support tree nurseries in order to produce a sufficient number of seedlings of the appropriate tree species. Thus, we provide support depending on local circumstances and conditions:
Construction of the tree nursery, if no tree nursery exists yet (especially with the creation of seedbeds, fences and construction of sheds)
Water supply, for example by delivering water pumps
Purchase of certified seeds, as far as they cannot be harvested from the “mother trees” in the tree nurseries or from the trees outsides (picking by farmers)
Expendable materials like plant pots, shovels, axes and watering cans
Payment of fair salaries and compensation for workers and supervisors
Women’s instruction, for example to produce fruit trees seedlings
Establishment of demonstration gardens with fruit trees and agro-forestry
It is important to us that the women in tree nurseries receive a good and fair income.
Production of seedlings
The reforestation starts with the production of strong native seedlings in the tree nurseries. More than 2500 women are working in tree nurseries everyday, producing over 10 million future trees with great care and love.
The importance of tree nurseries
Afforestation begins with the seedling production in tree nurseries, which are typically run by women’s organizations, sometimes by youth organizations, or by the local agriculture office. The production of the native tree seedlings takes between 8 and 14 months, depending on the tree species (the seedlings for fruit trees and coffee plants stay in the tree nursery for 1,5 to 2 years). In this way, the preparatory work such as setting up seedbeds, mixing humus and making shade covers begins each year in autumn. From December onward, the seeds are sown in “Pots”, i.e plastic plant pots where they grow into young plants over the following months. During the growth period, these seedlings are watered, weeded and shaded. At the beginning of the rainy season in June, the plants are ready to be planted on the mountain slopes and on the hills.
Seedling production must take place during the dry season, thus an ensured water supply – for example a year-round river – is an essential requirement. At the same time, the seedlings have to be grown around the later reforestation, that is, in the same local climate and soil. Therefore we try to ensure that one tree nursery can serve several reforestation areas, over several years.
Most of the work in the tree nurseries is done by the women, who thus receive a valuable income. At the same time, when there are no seedlings to cultivate in the tree nurseries during the rainy season, these women and the women groups also engage in other works such as weaving or cultivating vegetables.
Our contribution
In principle, we support tree nurseries in order to produce a sufficient number of seedlings of the appropriate tree species. Thus, we provide support depending on local circumstances and conditions:
It is important to us that the women in tree nurseries receive a good and fair income.
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