The Sidamo region is located in the south of Ethiopia and has a subtropical climate. Sidamo is famous for its coffee (Coffe arabica), which does not grow in plantations but in domestic gardens and forests.
What started with reforestation and is still going on today is now a model project for life improvement for women’s households. We have already received several awards for this.Ruhama Getachew
Scattered settlement with tree farms belonging to an extended family
Board of a women’s group that is reforesting here
Widespread hills and valleys with Rift-Valley lakes in the background
Nach erfolgreicher Aufforstung kann im After a successful reforestation, a river can flow all year round in the valley bottom
Typical farmstead: simple, with Ensete (false Banana) as staple food
Large areas of land are heavily eroded. As a result, coffee cultivation is endangered, and the population is therefore interested in reforestation with its consequent regeneration of cultivated areas.
Since 2014, we have been foresting in various zones in the Sidamo region, in cooperation with a women’s cooperative, the “Dara Women Empowerment Association”. Together with this women’s organization and its subgroups, we run tree nurseries for forest and fruit trees, but also for coffee seedlings and propagation of Insent (false banana, a protein supplier). Many local groups have expanded their activities to generate some incomes. Thus, they build wood-saving stoves, engage themselves in fish farming and provide a targeted assistance to women’s households regarding vegetable cultivation, fruit trees, chicks and hens for egg production, coffee marketing and even beekeeping. A schoolhouse built especially for women enables them to take their children to work.
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The Sidamo region is located in the south of Ethiopia and has a subtropical climate. Sidamo is famous for its coffee (Coffe arabica), which does not grow in plantations but in domestic gardens and forests.
Large areas of land are heavily eroded. As a result, coffee cultivation is endangered, and the population is therefore interested in reforestation with its consequent regeneration of cultivated areas.
Since 2014, we have been foresting in various zones in the Sidamo region, in cooperation with a women’s cooperative, the “Dara Women Empowerment Association”. Together with this women’s organization and its subgroups, we run tree nurseries for forest and fruit trees, but also for coffee seedlings and propagation of Insent (false banana, a protein supplier). Many local groups have expanded their activities to generate some incomes. Thus, they build wood-saving stoves, engage themselves in fish farming and provide a targeted assistance to women’s households regarding vegetable cultivation, fruit trees, chicks and hens for egg production, coffee marketing and even beekeeping. A schoolhouse built especially for women enables them to take their children to work.