Stiftung Green Ethiopia | Postfach | CH-8405 Winterthur +41 (0)52 233 1531

1% for the Planet

1% for the Planet helps to direct donations to environmental nonprofits around the world. It does not do this alone, instead 1% for the Planet is a network of like-minded individuals, businesses, donors and nonprofit organizations working together toward a common goal: protecting the future of our planet. Business and individual members engage directly with approved nonprofit partners, providing financial donations, volunteer time, in-kind donations, and other shared-value collaborations. Thriving partnerships help deliver longer-term support and greater impact.

The foundation 1% for the Planet gives businesses and individuals expert advice about strategic giving to environmental nonprofits. These recommendations encourage each business to invest in brand and mission-aligned nonprofit solutions that are critical for the planet and that help the business thrive. Similarly, individuals are encouraged to align their giving with their personal vision of a healthy planet, while helping them focus on nonprofit solutions creating the greatest impact.

1% for the Planet was created in 2002 by Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, and Craig Mathews, founder of Blue Ribbon Flies, in order to start a global movement.